The Crop App Index presents a way to discover digital tools available to support decision making in crop production and plant health. This website brings together more than 1,000 tools from across multiple platforms, allowing you to search and browse the full suite of tools available. In order to facilitate better discoverability of tools, CABI have enhanced the information available through the app stores and webpages. This means you can filter by useful categories such as language, crop and country.
Within the online app stores of Google and Apple, and across various web platforms, there are many hundreds of digital support tools available to assist in crop production. In order to have a good understanding of the digital tools that are already available, CABI embarked on an analysis to discover existing digital tools supporting decision making in crop production. Tools were identified and catalogued along with additional information including the category, languages and crop specificity. This landscaping analysis highlighted some of the difficulties encountered when searching for these tools in the online app stores. The issues often relate to the large number of apps available, which can make it difficult to narrow down results to those apps relating to the subject you're interested in, even when using keyword searches. These limitations gave rise to the concept of the Crop App Index website.
The Crop App Index is intended to be a useful resource for people wanting to discover crop production-related apps, including agricultural service providers offering guidance to farmers. The Crop App Index pulls in apps automatically and presents apps and websites that have been screened for their relevance to crop production. After screening, each tool has associated data added. The result is an easier way to search for decision support tools across multiple platforms at once and to quickly filter your results to tools relevant to you.
The Crop App Index will continue to automatically identify new digital tools for inclusion in the site, which will ensure it is regularly updated. If you want to highlight an app or website for inclusion in the Crop App Index, please see below for details on how to get in touch with us.
The Crop App Index presents results of keyword searches, or allows browsing within categories or across all results. Clicking on the title of a result will take you either the relevant listing on the App Store or Google Playstore, or in the case of a website, will take you straight to the website.
If you're searching for a digital tool with information in a particular language, search for and select that language in the Language filter. You may also choose "Machine Translation" to include tools that use an automatic translation option, search as Google Translate.
This website has been developed by CABI as part of its PlantwisePlus programme, which aims to improve livelihoods by supporting the production of safer, higher quality food through climate-resilient approaches to crop production.
Get involved and help to keep the toolkit up to date by providing valuable feedback!
We would love to hear from you if you have developed or used a digital tool related to crop production that we haven’t yet linked to. We'll be adding new tools regularly and your tool could be shared next.
We also welcome your feedback on the categories, filtering and general usability of the site, including any challenges you faced when finding digital tools relevant to you.